Catch up on the latest LGBT+ news and check out upcoming dates for your diary.

Queermunity introduces our new theme, “Journeys.”
To submit your own article, please contact Queermunity through Instagram: @queermunitymag or via our website:
Cameraman covering an anti-LGBT+ protest fatally attacked.
Lekso Lashkarava, a cameraman covering an anti-LGBT+ protest in Tbilisi, Georgia was fatally attacked. Despite discrimination against sexual orientation being illegal in Tbilisi, Pride events were cancelled due to fear of such violence.
Arrests made in Manchester, UK after LGBT+ murals defaced.
The mural captures iconic LGBT+ figures such as Alan Turing and Divina DeCampo. The words added to the art created by the Nomad Clan have already been removed.
EU takes action against homophobic laws in Hungary.
The EU has voted in favour of introducing action against Hungary’s new law, banning the depiction of homosexuality to minors. In December of 2020, Hungary also banned same-sex couples adopting children. Our article, “Mothers Know Best” explores being raised by same-sex parents:
LGBT+ freedoms in China are restricted.
Social media accounts of LGBT+ student organisations in China have been shut down by it’s Cyberspace Administration. The ruling communist party deemed them a 'bad influence'.
Don’t miss our featured post!
“In Conversation with Deaf Rainbow UK.” Queermunity interviews Abigail Gorman, Former Vice Chair of Deaf Rainbow UK. Trigger Warning: This article contains mentions of child abuse.
Queermunity is always looking for new contributors! If you are interested in writing an article/poem/review/anything that takes your fancy, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch! Our latest theme for the website is JOURNEYS. We can’t wait to see your submissions!
Dates for your diary!
8th August - International Cat Day
12th August - World Elephant Day
13th August - Left-handed Day
14th August - Gay Uncle Day
19th August - World Humanitarian Day
24th August - Paralympics begin
Don’t forget to check out for the latest incredible articles!

Article Written By Sarah Broadwell

Artwork By Malika Sumra